This imaginative short story collection takes readers on a journey across time and space, exploring philosophical questions about the human experience. In "Shattering Reality," we dive deep into the troubled psyche of a man grappling with schizophrenia. "The Last Anchorite" paints a vision of a lone wilderness dweller carrying the weight of humanity's future after an apocalypse. Other tales feature spiritual tests, interdimensional travel, android-human relations, and more surreal transformations.
While absurdist at times, each story aims to reconstruct reality by first shattering limiting assumptions. The characters are generally outcasts struggling to find meaning amidst life's harshest walls. Speculative scenarios also re-examine societal norms from thought-provoking angles. Ultimately, the author encourages us to return from these fictional journeys "with refreshed eyes towards the intricacies, contrasts and profound magic still embedding the world immediately around us each new day."
The quality of writing is excellent, with vivid descriptions and insightful narratives that draw you deeply into each plot. A few stories fail to fully deliver on their ambitious philosophical promise. However, the collection as a whole succeeds at pushing imaginative boundaries. For lovers of cerebral, metaphorical tales that aim to awakens your sense of awe, this makes for an intriguing read.