Free Reviews for published and unpublished work


Hello authors,

I'm Claire, not my real name, a passionate ghost-writer and avid reader. But I am also an author that enjoys collaborating with other authors to help review their books without needing any credit or payment. 

I love immersing myself in stories across genres, whether fiction or nonfiction. If you have a book that could use some extra reviews on Goodreads, I'm happy to provide an honest, thoughtful critique to help boost its exposure. I won't publish any review before getting your approval. 

Reviews Range from Plot Summaries to Critical Analysis

The level of detail in my reviews ranges depending on what you prefer - from quick plot summaries for potential readers to more in-depth critical analysis. I can focus on key themes, characters, writing style, and more. Just let me know what aspects you'd like highlighted.

How to Send Your Book

Please send over a PDF, Word doc, or ePub version of your book. I find it easier to review books in these digital formats rather than trying to read extended passages online. 

Give Feedback, Get Feedback

While I don't require any payment for reviews, I do appreciate reciprocal feedback. If you're open to critiquing any of my writing projects in return, it's a great way for us to help strengthen each other's work. But no obligation whatsoever.

Let me know if you have a book that needs a boost in exposure and I'd be thrilled to partner up! You can reach me at cdevoya(at)

Happy reading and writing,


PS - The offer is also valid for unpublished books

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