Creating this book has been an incredibly long and arduous process. But, the feeling of finally bringing it into the world is indescribable.
I recently discovered that the copy of the book I sent to the publishers wasn't the final, polished version. In the midst of a major project with a tight deadline, I couldn't locate the latest file. You can imagine the chaos that ensued... 35 quotes were misplaced, and some were even duplicated.
I've been working tirelessly since this morning, and only now have I managed to sort it all out.
People often assume that writing a book is the most challenging part. Let me tell you, it's not! The real struggle lies in editing, proofreading, and finding beta readers. I'm incredibly grateful to have a friend who assists me with the technical aspects, editing, and beta reading. I honestly don't know if I could have ever published a book on my own without falling into the trap of vanity publishers.
So, it's 11:30 PM here in Brighton, and while the world is out enjoying themselves, I'm thrilled to unveil the cover of the audiobook! Yes, there's an audiobook version for those who prefer listening to reading.
The narrator is a fresh voice, Emily Wilkins. Emily is a friend of a friend, highly recommended for her tenacity and professionalism in the media world. She was eager to explore this new avenue, and I was happy to have her on board. She started working on the book today, and I had to stop her before she ended up doing the same work twice due to the file mishap.
So, without further ado, here's the audiobook cover.

The audiobook will be available on all major entertainment platforms.
Well, that's all for now.
Time to switch off and get some rest!
Goodnight everyone, and thank you for following along on this journey.