Showing posts with label 2024. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2024. Show all posts

Thursday, 26 September 2024

Hybristophilia - Luigi Pascal Rondanini (to be released in October)


This psychological thriller explores the complex and dark world of hybristophilia - the attraction to dangerous criminals - through the story of Jason White, a young man convicted of killing his abusive father.

The novel is ambitious in scope, weaving together multiple perspectives and timelines to create a layered narrative about trauma, obsession, and the search for redemption. The author tackles challenging themes like domestic violence, sexual abuse, and the psychological impacts of incarceration with sensitivity.


  • Complex, well-developed characters whose motivations feel authentic
  • Nuanced exploration of family trauma and its long-term effects
  • Compelling legal drama aspects, especially in the trial scenes
  • Thoughtful examination of hybristophilia as a psychological phenomenon
  • Moments of genuine emotional impact, particularly in Jason and Anita's relationship

Areas for improvement:

  • Pacing issues in the middle sections; the story sometimes gets bogged down in details
  • Some plot developments feel contrived or overly coincidental
  • Dialogue can be stilted or unnatural at times
  • The ending wraps up a bit too neatly given the complexity of the issues explored

The author's extensive research into legal proceedings and psychological disorders is evident. The portrayal of hybristophilia feels authentic and avoids sensationalism.

While the writing is generally solid, there are some stylistic inconsistencies and areas where tighter editing could improve flow and impact. The shifts between different characters' perspectives are sometimes jarring.

Overall, "Hybristophilia" is an ambitious and thought-provoking novel that tackles difficult subject matter with empathy and depth. It will likely appeal to readers who enjoy psychological thrillers with legal elements and don't mind grappling with darker themes. Despite some structural and stylistic issues, it's a compelling read that raises important questions about justice, redemption, and the lasting impacts of trauma.

Friday, 20 September 2024

200 Minimalism Quotes - FREE Audio Sample

Hello, my friends,

While we wait for this book's September 28th release, I have decided to let you peek into it.

Here, to the left, you will find an audio sample read by Emily Wilkins.

While the audiobook is in the works, the e-book versions will be available on a variety of platforms in just a week's time.

The paperback will be published worldwide on Amazon on the same day.

Pre-order your copy.

I hope you enjoy it.



Wednesday, 18 September 2024

The Birth of 200 Minimalism Quotes... A Long and Painful Labour

Creating this book has been an incredibly long and arduous process. But, the feeling of finally bringing it into the world is indescribable. I recently discovered that the copy of the book I sent to the publishers wasn't the final, polished version. In the midst of a major project with a tight deadline, I couldn't locate the latest file. You can imagine the chaos that ensued... 35 quotes were misplaced, and some were even duplicated. I've been working tirelessly since this morning, and only now have I managed to sort it all out. People often assume that writing a book is the most challenging part. Let me tell you, it's not! The real struggle lies in editing, proofreading, and finding beta readers. I'm incredibly grateful to have a friend who assists me with the technical aspects, editing, and beta reading. I honestly don't know if I could have ever published a book on my own without falling into the trap of vanity publishers. So, it's 11:30 PM here in Brighton, and while the world is out enjoying themselves, I'm thrilled to unveil the cover of the audiobook! Yes, there's an audiobook version for those who prefer listening to reading. The narrator is a fresh voice, Emily Wilkins. Emily is a friend of a friend, highly recommended for her tenacity and professionalism in the media world. She was eager to explore this new avenue, and I was happy to have her on board. She started working on the book today, and I had to stop her before she ended up doing the same work twice due to the file mishap. So, without further ado, here's the audiobook cover.
The audiobook will be available on all major entertainment platforms. Well, that's all for now. Time to switch off and get some rest! Goodnight everyone, and thank you for following along on this journey. Claire

Tuesday, 17 September 2024

200 Minimalism Quotes is up for preorders

Amazon has set my books, up for grab on September 28th.

Here's the link to the electronic version. 

There will also be a paperback one.

Thanks for checking it out. 


Thursday, 5 September 2024

The Mental Health Nurse: A gripping psychological thriller novel (Kindle Edition) - April E Swan


A Gripping but Flawed Psychological Thriller

April Swan’s The Mental Health Nurse (2019) is a dark, twisted psychological thriller. It's a serial killer story that’s sickening and addictive simultaneously – a fascinating read even when it’s needlessly twisty. It's worth persevering with. Ellie is decidedly (and deliciously) disturbed.

It’s brave of Swan to have placed such an unappealing character at the heart of this narrative, and I was often as disgusted by Ellie as the next person. Still, her crimes were so compelling, and the gradual peeling back of the layers surrounding them (both Ellie’s and those of her supporting characters) so good that I was forced to finish the book and find out what had happened to Ellie to make her do the things that she did.

The Birmingham location serves as an evocative milieu for the unpleasant developments. Swan’s prose is at its best in the more dramatic parts of The Life and Crimes of Ellie Light, especially when Ellie is at her most sinister. The narrative is gripping at these moments, and Swan demonstrates a real talent for tension.

But the book could have been better: the random formatting issues (such as the inconsistent justification and paragraph numbers that switch from preceding the colon to following it) and the rush to put the words on the page often made for a less-than-sublime reading experience. This is especially true in the early parts of the book, where some of the most important character developments appear to be happening to Ellie rather than stemming from her own thoughts and feelings.

The last third of the book, too, begins to introduce multiple characters and their intertwined lives in a way that feels forced and (occasionally) strains credibility. Though these additions create a layered storyline, they also subdue some of the laser-like intensity that made the first segments of the novel so gripping because the focus turns away from Ellie.

As fiction, ‘The Mental Health Nurse’ is an easy read. It’s the kind of novel that keeps you up late, even as you’re struck by its dark material and morally ambiguous characters. It’s flawed, but it’s promising. I’ll be reading the sequel when it comes out. I’ll keep an eye out for Swan’s next book.

If you’re into psychological thrillers with an inside view from some seriously disturbed characters and can stomach a lot of gory, action-packed details, you’ll want to give it a chance. Bring a gut check for the slumps in writing style and formatting.

Tuesday, 13 August 2024

Discovering Wonder: Seeing the World Through a Child’s Eyes - Luigi Pascal Rondanini


 Luigi Pascal's "[Re]discovering Wonder: Seeing the World Through a Child’s Eyes" offers an engaging look at how adults can rediscover their sense of childlike wonder and innocence while maintaining all the insights that come with experience. As the proof-reader of this brief book, I can vouch that it was excellently written and nimble to edit.

Luigi Pascal uses his life as a children's book author and storyteller to provide near-poetic view of the method child-like wonder blends with grown-up lives. The book shines in the weave between philosophy, psychological research and hands-on exercises. Every chapter focuses on a specific expression of child-like perception — curiosity and wonder, love or emotional purity, the passion of emotion in general, music as communication etc. providing solid examples for how this can be developed today it your very own behaviours each day with lists of guides to develop any aspect you need help with.

Especially noteworthy is the section on "The Power of Imagination," and exercises to rediscover creativity in adulthood. By including real-life instances and stories, like the story of Boyan Slat's venture to clean oceans or how Scientist Lionel Dahmer approached problem-solving at NASA puts these concepts into perspective.

Although the book topples occasionally into idealism, Luigi Pascal stays mostly practical in his optimism regarding growing up with a hint of wonder. The last chapter, about balancing grown-up wisdom with child-like wonder has a particularly lovely consideration of how to bring together two seemingly contrary ways of thinking.

But my only mild annoyance is that there were a couple of chapters in the book about authenticity and relationships it would have been nice for those to dig deeper into what genuine adult interactions actually look like. More varied and better case studies or examples would also have added to the strength of their argument, making it more relatable for an even broader audience.

But for adults desiring to rekindle their creativity, parents yearning for deeper connection with childlike simplicity or those who simply feel that life has lost a bit of its magic and wonderment this book is certainly worth your while. His writing style is actually very clear; his prose easily understood because he can convey difficult concepts in a way that the reader understand as being so.

Despite its brevity, this book is rich and tonic. It is a subtle nudge to us that real magic in the world remains if we only seek it and outlines how one may go about creating for themself, a brighter, more worldly life while never outgrowing their own childlike innocence.

Sunday, 28 July 2024

Pazzigno A/R - Luigi Pascal Rondanini


Ho avuto il privilegio di leggere una versione pre-pubblicazione cartacea di Pazzigno A/R di Luigi Pascal Rondanini, e devo dire che l'autore ha creato un'opera coinvolgente e profonda che esplora i temi dell'amicizia, del rimpianto e della redenzione.

Il romanzo segue le vicende di Antonio e Giorgio, due amici d'infanzia le cui vite prendono strade diverse, portandoli a un doloroso allontanamento. Attraverso una narrazione che alterna passato e presente, Rondanini dipinge un ritratto toccante di come le scelte che facciamo plasmano il nostro destino.

Rispetto a I Fantasmi del Passato, che ho avuto modo di leggere in precedenza, Pazzigno offre una prospettiva più ampia e sfaccettata della storia. Mentre I Fantasmi del Passato si concentrava principalmente sul confronto tra i due protagonisti, Pazzigno approfondisce maggiormente le motivazioni dei personaggi e il contesto sociale in cui si muovono.

La prosa di Rondanini è ricca e evocativa, capace di trasportare il lettore nelle strade di Napoli e di far rivivere l'atmosfera degli anni '80. I dialoghi sono autentici e carichi di emozione, rivelando gradualmente le complessità dei rapporti tra i personaggi.

Un aspetto particolarmente interessante di Pazzigno è il modo in cui esplora il tema del successo e del fallimento, mettendo in luce come le percezioni degli altri possano influenzare profondamente le nostre scelte di vita. Il contrasto tra le carriere di Antonio e Giorgio è abilmente utilizzato per riflettere sulle aspettative sociali e personali.

Il finale del libro, che non voglio svelare, offre una conclusione soddisfacente e commovente alla storia, lasciando al lettore molto su cui riflettere.

Se dovessi trovare un punto debole, direi che in alcuni momenti il ritmo della narrazione rallenta un po' troppo, soprattutto nella parte centrale del libro. Tuttavia, questo non diminuisce significativamente il valore complessivo dell'opera.

In conclusione, Pazzigno è un romanzo potente e ben scritto che merita di essere letto. Rondanini dimostra una notevole maturità come scrittore, creando un'opera che risuonerà con chiunque abbia mai riflettuto sui "se" e i "ma" della propria vita.

Voto: 4.5/5 ma visto che nel mondo editoriale si possono utilizzare solo punteggi interi, opto per un 5 pieno.

Tuesday, 9 July 2024

Let's refresh my books' covers

 Hello my friends,

I have decided, based on the advice of some fellow authors that my books' covers were not really that nice looking.

Here are the new ones.

They look better, don't they?

Let me have your thoughts.

Click on the images to be redirected to the Amazon Store.


Saturday, 8 June 2024

The Ghostwriter - A.R. Torres


The Ghostwriter by Alessandra Torre is a modern love story with a touch of suspense; this book will have you spinning as the truth slowly unravels. At Washington Square, the book will make you discover the truth of the events that shattered her life four years before as she sets out to finish her final book —— but  Helena Ross, has darker secrets.

In this book, Torre showcases her masterful storytelling skill by conceiving an intricately layered plot with surprising revelations until the end. It is clear that the author excels at creating complex characters - many I hated with a passion - I loved Helena because, at first, she appears almost sadistic; however, as the story develops, our opinion changes, and we realise that there is, in fact, quite a vulnerable and uncertain person hiding just beneath the surface. Shane's beautifully written novel hints at this but is also about the unlikely friendship between Helena and her ghostwriter, which adds depth and heart to the narrative and provides a welcomed balance to some of the darker themes she explores in the book.

The Ghostwriter stands out with its unique narrative structure, blending present-tense narrations with flashbacks that gradually unveil Helena's past. The well-paced chapters keep you engaged, eager to uncover the truth as the story unfolds. The author's vivid descriptions and poignant humour effectively convey the rollercoaster of emotions that will captivate the reader.

The Ghostwriter is not your typical romance, but it's a testament to the author's storytelling prowess across genres. Fans of suspenseful literary fiction will be drawn to this book, as will those who appreciate emotionally impactful storytelling. Prepare yourself for a deeply moving experience as you delve into this unforgettable tale of secrets, betrayals, and the transformative power of words.

Politics for Young Minds - Luigi Pascal Rondanini


 Politics for Young Minds is the ultimate introduction to politics, government, and civic life for young readers. It takes big, important ideas and explains them in entertaining, engaging, and easily understandable ways.

 From the fundamental concepts (clear definitions of ‘politics’ and ‘government’; various political systems, electoral processes, etc; different levels of government; etc) to more advanced topics (media and politics; the influence of technology on politics; and the impact of diversity on politics), Rondanini consistently uses real-world examples to illustrate these ideas, making them relevant to children’s lives.

 One of the book’s key strengths is its recurring theme that individual voices are significant in shaping political outcomes. The author not only educates but also empowers young readers, encouraging them to be informed and active voters, participants in civil discourse, and engaged members of their communities and political sphere. This is a crucial aspect of the book, demonstrating how young people can influence the political arena. 

 Nevertheless, the book’s desire to demystify can sometimes result in unhelpful simplification or the elision of nuance. Furthermore, although the author tries to maintain a dispassionate voice, there may be times when one’s personal views or biases are discernible, by his own admission.

 Overall, Politics for Young Minds is a great book for individuals looking to get involved with the political world around them and, more importantly, their place in it. What sets it apart is its prose, depth of content, and, most importantly, its focus on civic engagement. It’s a great read for young students and teachers alike.

Friday, 17 May 2024

Ghost in the Machine: A Convergence of Human and Artificial Minds - AvA SiLiCa


Ghost in the Machine is unlike any other book—or work of art, for that matter—on the future of artificial intelligence (AI) and its human ramifications. It was written not by a human author (AvA SiLiCa) but by a human in a technical discourse with a super artificial intelligence assistant or super AI, with whom she brilliantly—and often horrifyingly—converses.

Tapping into a wide array of issues, ranging from AI’s impact on society to its potential to help address growing environmental concerns to its role in exposing creativity, spirituality, and the meaning of a meaningful life, the exchange is thought-provoking, gentle, generous, and does not take sides: AI is good, AI is bad. 

Perhaps this is the book’s greatest gift: to ease us into the presence of an AI, to coax us into caring about Claude in its way. Proximity can be a powerful thing. If we humanise Claude and insist on putting words in its mouth, the page traces those trajectories away from the bus station into the sagebrush, which might have been human and artificial. And in doing so, we lose part of our claim about who we thought we were. 

Silica’s humility in acknowledging some of the limits of their work and insights into the ethics of AI development steal the show. They highlight where there are opportunities for developing empathy, mutualism and community between people and AI: The future of AI is more than ever about our actions, not less. It is about developing responsible and ethical AI. Humanity cannot outsource its future, dignity, and humanity to machines.

AI can help solve some environmental issues, or the lives of at-risk populations, make new art forms like music, novels, etc. It’s a human-centred and humane discussion: thoughtful and transparent, intellectually powerful and moving in some philosophical way. One quickly begins to think through or alongside these two about the problems. 

Ultimately, Ghost in the Machine is a thrilling, beautifully philosophical account of the human/machine interface and an urgent, articulate, and optimistic guide to a future where feelings and empathy are embedded in everything, ethics are paramount, and the qualia, the what-ness, is always revered. It demands to be read by anyone interested in technology, the future of being, or simply in how and why things are as they are. 

An Italian Wife - Ann Hood


Though Ann Hood's An Italian Wife promised a juicy family saga of successive generations, it doesn't quite live up to its promise and frustrates.

The book opens powerfully, with a visceral presentation of Josephine Rimaldi as a teenage granddaughter in southern Italy who is forced into a marriage and reluctantly immigrates to America. Hood's prose is beautiful in these opening portions of the book, offering a delicious insight into the culture of Italian Americans. 

But it veers into disaster as it leaps unsteadily from generation to generation of Josephine's progeny: what could have been a gripping account of the development of an immigrant family becomes instead an array of poorly conceived figures who flicker too briefly into view before the text takes off again. You only got to know them for one chapter, and then it was on to the next generation.

Compounding the problem is the novel's relentless and often gratuitous sexual content, which stops the narrative cold several times. Sure, some sex is inescapable when attempting to portray a multi-generational tale, but here it seems exploitative rather than insightful as to the characters' psychological makeup.

Hood is talented, and she did a great job of studying her characters, but this doesn't transpire for all. Ultimately, though, An Italian Wife fails to realise its potential due to its lack of cohesion, thinly drawn characters, and overuse of graphic explicitness. What could have been a brave and important novel about the immigrant experience becomes a vermeil-clad mess.

La Décision (The Decision) - Karine Tuil


Karine Tuil’s novel La Décision (The Decision) shows what it is like to operate at the harshest end of counterterrorism investigations. It shows how these protagonists sometimes wrestle with issues of morality, questioning the choices they need to make that will change their lives forever. I read the French text. 

The story is about Alma Revel, a French anti-terrorism judge, who must determine whether to keep this young man in custody as a suspected ISIS collaborator or grant his release. Meanwhile, her personal life is in turmoil as she launches an affair with the defence lawyer of the accused.

Tuil fully displays her meticulous research and background as a legal journalist, with a vivid inside portrayal of the judicial system's mechanics and the interpretive quandaries accompanying terrorism-related crimes. She poses difficult questions related to an immediate professional duty, versus the array of personal predilections that can sometimes accompany it. She poses the consequences that hang in the balance when weighing one over the other. 

The narrative is not just a thrilling ride, but also a thought-provoking exploration of the complexities of right and wrong. Tuil, in a master class of characterisation, illuminates her protagonist’s inner struggles, inviting readers to delve into the shades of morality. The author's ability to present a balanced view, without taking sides, has earned her acclaim and encourages readers to critically examine their own perspectives.

Though some reviewers criticised what they saw as improbable or predictable plot points, I believe it’s a page-turner. This novel transforms an emotionally loaded subject into one with compelling storytelling and emotional gripping.

Sunday, 21 April 2024

An emotional representation of the human experience of betrayal and abandonment - Eve Hamilton (unpublished poem)

I am pleased to review a poem by Eve, the narrator of Volume 2 of my book.

Her work is unpublished, so I will avoid copying the text here and place in the title what I think is the essence of her poem in a single line.

However, I will provide a link in this comment when and if the poem will be available online.

Rating: 5/5

This poem delves into the universal themes of betrayal and loss, weaving them into the narrative of an abused and neglected horse. This horse, a poignant metaphor for the soul, vividly embodies the pain and suffering of individuals who have been betrayed and abandoned by their loved ones. Its emotional journey, from hope to despair, resonates deeply with the reader, drawing them into its world of anguish and resilience.

The story of the horse is a powerful portrait of the pain and suffering of individuals whose trust has been abandoned, betrayed, or abandoned. The vivid description of the physical and emotional suffering of the horse lies with those who have encountered its experiences of abuse and abandonment. 

The author's use of the first-person narrative creates a strong connection between the reader and the metaphorical horse, creating a deeper emotional connection in the lines "I've worked so hard, I've trotted for miles, my feet are sore" and "I thought they loved us, so why are we here?" They evoke empathy and understanding as readers see the parallels between the horse's experiences and their own. 

The execution pen is a metaphor for the terrible and hopeless situations in which individuals are betrayed or abandoned. The other animals in the execution pen symbolise their shared experiences, constructing separate injustices and emphasising that prevalence. The horse’s shattered dream of a peaceful retreat to greener pastures represents the lost hopes and aspirations of those whose lives have been enriched by the actions of others. 

The final line, "The kill pen will be our last ever sound," is a haunting and powerful statement about the terrible and irreversible consequences of betrayal and abandonment. 

Throughout the poem, the author skilfully uses literary devices such as repetition, emotional detail, and rhetorical questions to enhance the emotional impact and build allegorical meaning, emphasised in the story of the horse.

In conclusion, this poem is a masterful exploration of the human experience. By narrating the tale of an abandoned horse, the author crafts a poignant and universally resonant commentary on betrayal, loss, and the indomitable spirit of humanity in the face of suffering. The poem’s emotional depth, vivid imagery, and inspirational message make it a truly outstanding and unforgettable work of art, one that leaves a lasting impression on the reader's heart and mind.

Sunday, 14 April 2024

Mnemonic Phantasms - Ava Silica


Mnemonic Phantasms, a captivating journey into the realm of ghostwriting, is a testament to the power of storytelling and the intricacies that lie beneath the surface of the literary world. As a seasoned ghostwriter, I had the unique opportunity to review this manuscript before its publication. Ava Silica's work resonated with me on a deep level, reflecting the shared experiences and challenges of our craft.

Throughout the e-book, Silica takes readers on a unique journey, recounting her most extraordinary and unconventional ghostwriting experiences. From alien-abduction memoirs to celebrity pet psychics, from doomsday prepper cookbooks to billionaire vanity biographies, each chapter is a distinct narrative that showcases the author's adaptability and keen observational skills. What distinguishes this book is the way Silica effortlessly blends the bizarre and the profound, leaving readers both entertained and reflective.

As a ghostwriter, I found myself nodding at the side of Silica's insights into the industry—the challenges of taking pictures of a patron's voice, the ethical dilemmas that stand up while taking over arguable initiatives, and the regular push-and-pull among creativity and compromise. Her tales function as a reminder that at the back of every book, there are infinite untold stories of collaboration, conflict, and the pursuit of truth.

But Mnemonic Phantasms is more than just an insider's look at the ghostwriting alternative. It's additionally a meditation on the character of authorship, identification, and the blurred traces between reality and fiction. Silica's narrative is full of surprises, and readers can expect a stunning coup de théâtre to leave them wondering what they thought they knew about the book and its introduction.

While compensated for my proofreading offerings, I have not received any fee or incentive to depart from this evaluation. My evaluations are my own, and I agree that Mnemonic Phantasms is a need-to-read for everyone interested in the craft of writing, the publishing industry, or the sheer energy of a properly told tale.

Ava Silica, who authorised this review, has created a unique and charming painting that pushes the bounds of the memoir genre. Her willingness to experiment with shape and content is a testament to her bravery as a writer, and I don't doubt that this short book will spark many conversations about the position of ghostwriters in the literary world.

In conclusion, Mnemonic Phantasms is a rare gem that offers both entertainment and intellectual stimulation. It's a book that will make you laugh, ponder, and question everything you thought you knew about the writing process. I wholeheartedly recommend this book to readers and fellow writers, and I eagerly await Ava Silica's future literary endeavours.

Update. The book is now available on Kindle Unlimited and Amazon in an Ebook version. 

Saturday, 13 April 2024

Hello Stranger - Katherine Center


Katherine Center's latest novel, Hello Stranger, is a heartwarming and entertaining read that will appeal to many readers. The book follows Sadie Montgomery, a struggling portrait artist who develops prosopagnosia (prosopagnosia) after brain surgery. The situation proves particularly challenging because Sadie, a finalist in a prestigious portrait competition, must navigate her personal life and relationships without being able to recognise faces.

I praise the Center's ability to create lovable and quirky characters, infusing humour, emotion, and romance into the story. Sadie's journey of self-discovery and growth is a central theme as she learns to cope with her illness and accept help from others. Supporting characters such as Sadie's best friend Sue, neighbour Joe, and her beloved dog Peanut add depth and warmth to the story.

While some critics found the storyline somewhat predictable, with a few coincidences that made it hard to believe, the story's charm and heart more than made up for these minor flaws. The author's engaging writing style and the book's fast pace immerse readers in Sadie's story from beginning to end.

Some reviews I read also praised Center for shedding light on the rarely discussed condition of prosopagnosia, praising her ability to balance humour and emotion in a satisfying and uplifting way. I can only agree with them. 

The author's note at the end of the book is also worth highlighting, as it provides insight into the central point about the importance of hope and joy in storytelling.#

Overall, "Hello Stranger" appears to be a delightful and heartfelt novel that showcases Katherine Center's talent for creating lovable characters and crafting stories that leave readers with a smile.

I would give "Hello Stranger" a rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars. This rating reflects the book's ability to captivate and entertain readers while delivering a meaningful and emotionally resonant story.

Thursday, 4 April 2024

Exciting News: Volume 1 of My Book Series Approved on ACX!

So, ACX, the Audiobook Creation Exchange, has given the go-ahead for the first volume of my two-part series. My thanks to Trevor Grant, who has done a magnificent job on his narration, thus bringing the book to life for everyone. I am grateful that you could do it so beautifully.

Volume 1 is for parents, educators and adult learners who appreciate the inner workings of a child.

If you're in either the UK or the US, I have a special offer for you. Contact me to receive free promotional codes for the audiobook, a token of appreciation for your interest in my work.

But that's not all. The highly anticipated Volume 2 is just around the corner. I'm confident that Eve Hamilton's engaging voice will captivate both young readers and listeners, bringing the characters to life in her storytelling of this volume. 

Although Volume 2 is directed at children, beyond a parent and principal’s introduction, it is also on Amazon for Kindle and as a paperback-priced book. Both Volumes are awaiting your inspection now!

I invite readers to this literary journey and hope you will enjoy it.


Monday, 25 March 2024

Reimagined Tales: Subverting Expectations in Fantasy and Digital Legends - Pascal de Napoli


As the author of the introduction to "Reimagined Tales: Subverting Expectations in Fantasy and Digital Legends," I must admit that I feel a bit awkward reviewing this collection. However, I can't not express my admiration for the innovative and thought-provoking stories within its pages.

"The Looking Glass Tales" and "Code of Justice—Robin Hood Saga" not only offer a fresh perspective on classic narratives but also a unique blend of fantasy and modern technology. This innovative approach challenges readers to re-examine their preconceived notions of good and evil. At the same time, the author's skill in creating compelling and immersive worlds is sure to captivate the imagination.

Each story within these collections is a masterful exploration of the complexities of morality and heroism. The characters, with their richly drawn personalities, offer struggles and motivations that are not only illuminating but also deeply relatable. As readers navigate the twists and turns of these reimagined tales, they are invited to question the very nature of justice and the transformative power of empathy and understanding.

While my perspective may be partial, given my involvement in the introduction, I firmly believe that "Reimagined Tales" is a must-read for anyone who appreciates innovative storytelling and the power of literature to challenge and inspire. These stories, with their lingering impact, will continue to resonate in your mind long after you've turned the final page, inviting you to see the world through a new lens.

Tuesday, 5 March 2024

Economics for Young Minds - Luigi Pascal Rondanini


"Economics for Young Minds" provides an engaging and accessible introduction to the often complex world of economics for children and teenagers. The author, Luigi Pascal Rondanini, draws on his extensive background in finance and passion for mentoring youth to break down fundamental economic concepts in a way that is easy to understand.

The book covers a wide range of topics including needs vs wants, supply and demand, production, money and banking, government policies, trade, financial markets, and even emerging areas like cryptocurrency. Rondanini uses relatable examples, stories and straightforward language to illustrate how these economic principles impact our daily lives. 

One of the strengths of the book is how it encourages critical thinking about big societal issues. Rondanini challenges readers to consider how innovation can expand inclusion, the importance of sustainability, and the role of ethics in profit-seeking. The book empowers young people to see themselves as active participants who can shape the future economy.

While generally very informative, some sections could benefit from even more real-world examples to reinforce the teachings. A few of the more technical concepts may still require an adult's guidance to fully grasp. 

Overall, "Economics for Young Minds" is a valuable resource for any parent, educator or student looking for a solid foundation in practical economics. By sparking curiosity early, Rondanini inspires the next generation to dive deeper into this important field that impacts us all. Both educational and motivational, this book provides a gateway to a lifetime of economic literacy.

Friday, 1 March 2024

The Housemaid's Secret - Freida McFadden


The Housemaid's Secret by Freida McFadden is an entertaining yet flawed sequel that fails to match the brilliance of the first book. Continuing the story of Millie the housemaid, this book finds her taking a job cleaning for the wealthy Garricks in their New York City penthouse. However, the reclusive Mrs. Garrick seldom leaves her room, raising Millie's suspicions. 

This fast-paced psychological thriller initially hooks readers in with the mystery surrounding the Garricks. However, the first half feels slow with minimal plot development. Millie's repetitive thought patterns also become grating after a while. The prose lacks nuance, and the storyline grows predictable despite a few twists.

That said, the shocking twist halfway through the book makes for a gripping turn of events. Seeing things unfold later from a sociopathic perspective adds intrigue. Some of the final revelations also take readers by surprise. Ultimately, these second half twists feel clever but require too much suspension of disbelief.

In the end, while The Housemaid's Secret works fine as popcorn entertainment, the story stretches credulity a bit too far. And with no memorable characters or profound ideas to contemplate, the book fails to leave a lasting impression. Fans of domestic thrillers may have some fun thanks to the fast pacing. But readers who prefer psychological depth and plausibility may end up disappointed.

I would give this sequel 3 out of 5 stars as it falls short of being a skilfully crafted thriller. The repetitive writing style, shallow characterisations, and improbable plot diminish its impact. Still, it serves its purpose as a diversionary read. Those new to Freida McFadden's work would be better off starting with the superior first novel, The Housemaid.