Sunday, 18 February 2024

Free reviews for published and unpublished books


I am an avid reader. If you would like me to read, review, and provide feedback on your book or manuscript, I would be delighted to do so free of charge. 

What's the catch, you may ask? There is none. As an author and ghostwriter myself, I believe in helping others in the writing community.

In order for me to review your work, I would need a PDF or EPUB version, as I rely on my computer for reading due to vision issues. Please also provide a synopsis and any specific feedback requests. Additionally, to ensure suitability, please confirm your book does not contain gender bias, excessive gore, or exceed 100,000 words. 

I will not publish the review anywhere without your approval. As evidenced by my past reviews, I have high standards for a 5-star rating.

Please let me know if you would like me to review your book. I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

PS. I am fluent in English and Italian and intermediate in  Spanish and German.